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This week

We have had another busy week in school! On Monday, a group of Tigers and Lions children represented St Luke’s at a local cricket festival. They had a great time, learning new skills and taking part in the competition. We came 4th place overall, narrowly missing out on a medal! We are very proud of all the children for their efforts – well done!

Our Tigers children have thoroughly enjoyed their second forest school visit this week and the whole school have been learning about mental health awareness week, with a focus on ensuring they have movement breaks.

Next week is the last week before we break up for May half term – the past 6 weeks have absolutely flown by! Our Lions children are getting very excited and ready for their Condover Hall residential visit next week. They will be leaving for a 2-night stay on Wednesday and we know they will all have an amazing time trying new activities, learning new things and challenging themselves. I know they will come back proud of all they have achieved and full of stories to tell!

At the end of the newsletter you will find an E-safety poster about sharing photos on line. As we all have social media accounts and it has become ‘the norm’ to post photos to these sites, this should be useful for all our parents and carers.

Nut Free School

Please continue to remember that due to severe allergies, we are a nut free school! This means no nuts or products which contain nuts are to be brought into school. Thank you for your support with this.


Our overall attendance for the year to date is 94.11%.

This week’s attendance:

Bears 89.0%

Giraffes 96.15%

Elephants 98.67%

Tigers 95.0%

Lions 96.9%

Whole School 95.1%

Key Stage 2 Cricket

Here are our cricketers enjoying their event on Monday this week and some of the children’s thoughts about the experience:

Adam S - The cricket was really fun because we don't get to compete that often with other schools.

Matilda- It was great to meet children from other schools and learn skills from them.

Nuh - It was good to try our hardest and be happy with our results.

Sarim - It was a very exciting day. I have never played on a cricket pitch before.

Reading Recommendations

Some suggestions from this week…we even had a visitor to our school make a suggestion!

The World’s Worst Children 3 (Eva Tigers)

Dork Diaries (Mia Tigers)

The Boy Who Grew Dragons – for Years 3 and 4 (Mr Rivett)

Anything by Michael Morpurgo! (Edward Lions)

Flora the Fairy (unknown who made this suggestion!)

This week Mrs Kelly also recommends:

The Worry Tiger

A beautiful picture book that weaves mindfulness actions into a magical story, helping young children to feel calm and relaxed. Showing children ways to soothe their own worries.

It's show-and-tell tomorrow and Rory is anxious - he doesn't have anything special to share with the class. But everything changed when Rory meets his very own worry tiger. "Try this, tiptoe like a tiger & tell me what you see". Breathing deep to smell the jungle scents, stretching to join the monkeys high in the trees and listening carefully to all the creatures around them.

The Last Bear

Imagine making friends with a polar bear - this magical book shows children that no one is too young to make a difference. April is told there are no bears left on Bear Island but one summer night, she meets one. He is starving, lonely and a long way from home. Determined to save him, April begins the most important journey of her life. This moving story celebrates the love between a child and an animal, a cry out for our world and an irresistible adventure.

Mental Health Week – 13th – 19th May 2024

This week we have been raising awareness of the importance of taking care of our Mental Health.

During Collective Worship, we discussed what mental health is and ways we can look after our mental health and be the best versions of ourselves.

The Well Being Champions requested that all children explore how regular movement can have a positive effect on our mental health, by making us feel more energised and confident and enable us to focus, think and sleep better. This week, all classes have taken part in regular movement breaks to keep their mind and body healthy.

We also accessorised our outfits with green on Thursday to celebrate the importance of Mental Health Awareness Week.

Uniform and Health and Safety

A reminder from last week’s newsletter that children should not wear jewellery to school and they need to come to school on PE days with either their earrings removed or taped up at home. Many thanks to all those parents and carers who have supported us with this so far. It is preferable that earrings are removed in order to completely remove any risk of injury to your child. If your child has their earrings in and they are not taped, they will most likely miss some or all of their PE lesson as we don’t have staff available to be taping earrings during lesson times and Health and Safety guidance states that staff members should not be doing this.

After School Clubs – Summer 2

Our final after school clubs offer letter will be coming home today. Please ensure you return your form as soon as possible as places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Summer 2 clubs will start the first week back after the half term break and run for 6 weeks. There will be no clubs in the final week of the school year.

FATHER’S DAY EVENT – Due to how popular last year’s event was, we’ll be celebrating all the wonderful dads and male family members on Friday 14th June. More details to be sent home soon!

Collective Worship

We have continued to talk about the main phrases from our vision:

St Luke’s Family Trust and Rely on God’s teaching

Develop relationships God’s children

Caring and Nurturing Flourish

We have shared two parables – ‘The Man Who Loved Money’ and ‘The Visitor at Midnight’ which allowed us to talk about our relationship with god and the world.

Mrs Broughton also led a collective worship based on mental health awareness week.

In our Celebration Worship we have said “congratulations” to children impressing their teachers by showing our school values. I was delighted to hand out values certificates to Sarah-Aliza (Bears), Kudzayi (Giraffes), Hayden (Elephants), Savannah (Tigers) and Alex (Lions).

Giraffes, Elephants, Tigers and Lions received attendance certificates for attendance over 95% this week – well done!

Lunchtime award winners: Ramon (Elephants) and Eva (Tigers)

We also celebrated this week’s St Luke’s Stars of the Week:

St Luke’s Stars of the Week!

Each week in our celebration assembly, the teachers will be choosing a pupil to recognise for their excellent work and attitude to learning. Please see Class Dojo for pictures of our ‘St Luke’s Stars of the Week’. We are very proud of everyone for their hard work and achievements.

Bears: Ishanvi for carefully ‘Fred talking’ to help her blend and read words.

Giraffes: Bertie for his use of colour, details and shading when creating his own interpretation of the artist David Hockney's work.

Elephants: Israel for excellent maths work solving multiplication problems.

Tigers: Eva for using emotive language to make the reader feel particular emotions in English.

Lions: Jessica for her science works on ecosystems - using her scientific knowledge to answer questions accurately and working independently.

Please continue to send in certificates and awards from outside of school achievements so we can share them with the whole school community during our celebration assembly.
