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Year 1 Class

We are the Year 1 Team:


Mrs Elmes is our class teacher.

Miss Courtney - Teaching Assistant

Miss Jones - Teaching Assistant




In this section, you will find information on the following;


  • The Year 1 timetable
  • Year 1 homework expectations
  • Year 1 letters for parents and carers

Year 1 Class information - 


  • Year 1 will have PE on a Monday and Thursday every week. Please come to school on these days wearing:-
  • a white t-shirt
  • royal blue or black shorts
  • navy blue or black hoodie and sweat pants
  • black pumps
  • Please note earrings should be taped before coming to school and no children should be wearing hoop earrings


  • Our Library day will be on a Friday each week. Please ensure that library books are in book bags every Friday. 
  • Reading homework- Please read regularly with your child at home and sign their reading diary to show this. We would like all children to read at home at least 3 times a week. Every day would be brilliant! Please ensure that school reading books and diaries are in book bags every day. 
  • Other homework- we will provide additional homework practice activities to support learning, such a phonics sound mats or Common exception word sheets. These will not be every week and information will be posted on Class Dojo. There are also links below to useful websites to support your child's phonics and reading at home. 
  • Please see the attached information page for further information about the Year 1 curriculum. 

