Welcome to our Governors' section:
Please find below details of our Governing Body, including names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor and information about their business interests. All governors have the responsibility of voting on the Full Governing Body and any other sub-committee on which they serve.
The Role of the Governing Body
Governing Body
The composition of our Governing Body is currently:
Foundation Governors = 3 (The incumbent; 1 x PCC appointed; 1 x DBE appointed)
Local Authority Governors = 1 (nominated by the LA)
Co-opted Governors = 4
Parent Governors = 2 (appointed by parents)
Head Teacher
Staff governors (in addition to the Head Teacher) = 1
The current members of the Governing Body are specified in the Register of St Luke's CE First School Governors
What we do
Role of the Governors/Governing Body
The headteacher of the school is responsible for day-to-day management of the school. The role of the Governing Body is to provide strategic management, and to support the school. As well as supporting the school, governors need to ask challenging questions to be sure that the school is providing the best possible education. This role is often called ‘being a critical friend’.
Governors also have a role in monitoring the school’s progress, including involvement in the school self-evaluation process, and in setting annual targets for the school’s performance and for the headteacher (and ensuring that the headteacher sets targets for other staff).
Governors are also involved in the Ofsted inspection process, and as part of this Ofsted expect the governing body to have a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of their school.
Schools generally have a delegated budget to cover salaries, running costs, maintenance and equipment; the Governing Body is responsible for overseeing the management of this budget and approving spending decisions where necessary.
One of the most important activities governors undertake are monitoring activities within the school. This allows them to learn about the school, to see the school at work and to get to know the staff and the children. The governing body at St Luke's undertakes regular monitoring visits where they look at children’s work, read policies, and speak to staff and children.
The Full Governing Body now meets once a month (meetings are usually held on a Thursday evening, from 5.30pm.
The school purchases a support package from the Local Authority and diocese as part of this, training courses are available to all governors.
How to contact us
To contact the Governing Body, please email Mrs Jane Hall (Clerk to Governors) Email: jhall@stlukesfirst.worcs.sch.uk