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Year 4 Class

We are the Year 4 team:

Mrs Hirons-Reed - Teacher 

Mrs Ishaq  -  Teaching Assistant

Mrs Baker - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Adams - Teaching Assistant 


In this section, you will find information on the following;


  • The Year 4 timetable
  • Year 4 homework expectations
  • Year 4 letters for parents
  • Year 4 news and events 

Year 4 Class Timetable


Lions Class have PE on Mondays and Fridays. Come to school in your school PE kit on these days.

St Luke's PE kit is:

  • a white t-shirt
  • royal blue or black shorts
  • navy blue or black hoodie and sweat pants
  • black pumps

Please note earrings should be taped before coming to school and no children should be wearing hoop earrings


On Monday afternoons we do gymnastics, and on Friday afternoons we do PE. Please make sure that any children with hair long enough to tie back, come to school with their hair tied up. 


Lions change their reading books every Thursday. Please ensure your child brings their reading books, reading diary and book bag into school everyday, as we often read with the children during class time.

Year 4 Homework Expectations


In Year 4, the children are expected to read their reading book at least three times a week and this is to be recorded in their reading diary. Of course, if you read more than three times this will help to improve your fluency! Children are encouraged to use our online reading resources - Oxford Owl - and they're encouraged to visit the Library where they have many opportunities to enjoy a range of books and genres. Reading is the key to unlocking all other learning, so this it is paramount that we practice as much as possible!


Times Tables

All children in Lions class have a log in for Times Table Rockstars, which we use daily in school. We expect our children to practice their target times tables at least three times a week at home. If a child does not have access to TTRS at home, please speak to the class teacher to sort alternative arrangements to allow all children to build their times table fluency ahead of the year 4 multiplication check. 



Children are encouraged to practice the spellings for their year group and to revisit the spellings from Year 3 to ensure they are known and understood. Although in Year 4 we focus on a selection of words from the LKS2 National Curriculum expectations, the children are also encouraged to look at and begin to learn the spellings for Year 5. We expect our children to practice their spellings at home three times a week.

Times Tables

In Years 2 and 3 children were encouraged to learn their x2, x5, x10, x3, x4 and x8 tables. In Year 4, this continues and now includes x6, x9, x7, 11 and x12. The children practice their times tables every day using the Daily 10 method. It is encouraged that the children practice this at home regularly, to help improve their recall of the known times tables. You can access this here:

