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St Luke's CE

First School

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Wellbeing Champions



We are the the Wellbeing Champions at St Luke's CE First School. Our job is to help the grown ups look after everybody's wellbeing. At playtimes and lunchtimes, we look out for children who may be sad or lonely and we help them. We also help to sort out any friendship problems.   We help Mrs Coleman to plan learning to help us feel safe and have good mental health.


We are role models in school and try to show other children how we should treat one another and care for our school. 

"My job is to care for other people and to help them if they need to talk. I am kind and caring and play with them." Rosa


"I like being a well-being champion because I am kind and caring, and I like looking after everyone in the school." Cavelle


"My job is to turn people from negative to positive and help people if they are upset or injured. I love being in the community of St Luke's First School." Jacob


"I love my role as a well-being champion so I can help and support others. I want to be kind and caring and look after others if they are feeling left out or lonely." Nuh



Each year, we review our anti-bullying charter and children sign to say they agree to this. We make necessary changes which might be raised through PSHE lessons/discussions, and the charter is frequently referred back to throughout the year. 
